Monday, May 18, 2015

Tom Brady is Innocent


    Ridiculous. That is the only word I can use to describe the punishments dished out to the New England Patriots because of "Deflate-Gate." The loss of draft picks and $1 million fine is reasonable, because there truly was evidence of cheating. But what is unreasonable is the four game suspension given to Tom Brady. If anyone looked at the specific texts between Patriots employees, it is explicit that those employees were plotting against Tom Brady.
 McNally: "Tom going to make that next ball a f---in balloon." (Oct. 17, 2014)
 On several other occasions, there were more texts exchanged between employees discussing ball inflation and deflation
 McNally: "Make sure you blow up the ball to look like a rugby ball so tom can get used to it before Sunday" (Oct. 21, 2014)

McNally: "F--- tom....make sure the pump is attached to the needle.....f---in watermelons coming" (Oct. 23, 2014)
Clearly Tom Brady was not the protagonist in this situation. The evidence is explicit in favor of Tom Brady being innocent. So, if the NFL saw all these texts, why did they suspend Brady for four games? It's absurd! Tom Brady did nothing in this situation, and the four game suspension was way out of line from the NFL. 
What should have happened? If they, being the NFL, were still stupid enough to suspend the greatest QB of all time, it should have been for the pre season games, AT MOST. 
I sincerely hope that the NFL reduces the suspension on Brady during his appeal. It is absolutley absurd that the NFL would have dished out this kind of suspension on an innocent player. Roger Goodell can redeem himself here by reducing the suspension he so unrightfully came up with.

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